Think you've heard everything about cayenne pepper? Maybe you have and maybe you haven't. Sure, cayenne pepper is delicious in guacamole and awesome on spicy fries. Most people know that, right? What they don't know about is the unconventional uses for this miracle spice. How about using cayenne pepper to keep your feet warm in winter?
1. Keep your feet warm.
You know cayenne is hot, right? Did you
know it can warm your feet in cold weather? Just sprinkle a bit into
your socks before venturing outdoors. The cayenne will heat up your
feet to ward off frostbite. You can do the same if you get cold feet
at night. Remember one thing, though. Make sure you use old socks.
Cayenne can combine with perspiration and leave a stain.
2. Heal small cuts.
2. Heal small cuts.
Next time you get a paper cut, give
this cure a try. Stop the bleeding and help your cut heal faster.
Sprinkle a bit of cayenne on it. You might think that's a bit like
rubbing salt in a wound and you'd be right. Why? Salt has healing
powers as well. Don't use cayenne for large or deep wounds. It could
sting and cause infection. See a doctor for those.
3. Cure a headache.
3. Cure a headache.
Mix a bit of cayenne pepper with olive
oil. Now massage it into your temples. The cayenne will warm your
skin and increase circulation. Cayenne in your food will have the
same effect. Cayenne increases blood flow and opens capillaries, just
like caffeine. It will also open your sinuses to ease headaches
caused by congestion.
4. Soothe a sore throat.
4. Soothe a sore throat.
Mix a crazy concoction of salt water, a
clove of garlic and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper. Don't drink it.
That would taste horrible. Instead, use this solution as a gargle.
Don't worry, it won't sting. In fact, this gargle will take pain away
instantly. It'll heal your throat quickly too. Garlic, salt and
cayenne are all powerful antiseptics.
5. Cure tummy troubles.
5. Cure tummy troubles.
You wouldn't think such a spicy food
would help a stomachache. In fact, you might deduce the opposite.
Still, cayenne is supreme at cleaning out the digestive system. It
also kills bad bacteria that lurk in the nooks and crannies of your
intestines. What else? It gets your digestive juices flowing to flush
toxins. Eating cayenne regularly can keep you regular.