Writing can be fun if you let it! |
10. Your friends will become jealous
because you sit home all day in front of the computer, eating
bon-bons and pondering life.
(As if. Ha ha ha Don't you wish?
Deadlines. Paychecks. Ever heard of either?)
9. If anyone gets nasty with you,
you can simply write them into your book, torture them endlessly or
even kill them off.
(You won't even get arrested. I
promise. And BTW, that killing people off thing is highly overrated.
The torturing thing is much more satisfying because you can drag it
out as long as you want.)
8. You absolutely have to social
network. So, it's kind of like getting paid to Facebook. If you're
good at it, you'll even get a raise.
(Ain't that a hoot? Wait, I'm not a
hillbilly. Where the heck did that come from?)
7. You sometimes have the best
genuine excuse in the world for not doing your job.
(It's called writer's block and it's
for real, so you don't even have to feel guilty about it!)
6. Your Mom can introduce you as “My
daughter/son, the famous author.”
(Hey, she doesn't know that you have to
be published to be an author and you're not that famous. Why spoil it
for her?)
5. You get to hide behind an alias,
(Alias/pen name, To-may-toe/To-ma-toe,
what's the difference?)
4. You get to learn about all kinds
of weird things in the name of research.
(Be careful though, your browsing
history will show it.)
3. And you really can work in your underwear and stuff your face all day if that's what you're into.
(That is, if you don't mind weighing
250 pounds and looking ridiculous when the mailman delivers your
latest novel. Wait, are those underoos? I haven't seen them since the 80's.)
2. You finally have an excuse to be
(Everyone knows that all the great
writers are off their rockers.)
And best of all?
1. You can write fun stuff like this
and get paid for it.