Monday, March 28, 2016

Top ten ways to piss off a vegan

Ya, I know. Maybe you want to. For some reason, other people sure do get a kick out of putting vegans down. But honestly, this is more about trying not to go there. You know what I mean? If you're friends with a vegan, please don't do or say these things. It's quite offensive, really. And lets face it, you wouldn't treat your other friends this way, simply because their lifestyle choice differs from yours. Or at least I hope not.

10. Telling a vegan not to preach while simultaneously preaching about why your choice is better.

Highly ironic. Just saying.

9. Spouting off about vegan protesters.

They have the same right to protest that you do. OK. Maybe they are inadvertently insulting you by saying that omnivorous consumption is unnecessarily cruel. But it's true. And it's also not an attack on you personally, like when you speak out against their right to protest or speak their mind.

8. Saying, “Look at this delicious hamburger, you know you want it.”

Actually, it's quite sad/traumatic for vegans to watch you eat the dead flesh of innocent beings and not appetizing at all. Frankly, your cruelty and your hamburger disgusts them. So doing this is rude beyond comprehension and inconsiderate of their feelings.

7. Ask “How do you get your ____?” in order to prove that vegans are unhealthy. or “What on earth do you eat?” in order to prove that a vegan diet is boring and tasteless.

A proper vegan diet is nutritionally sound in every way. Possibly more so than most diets. And they eat food. All kinds of food. Thousands upon thousands of fruits, veggies, whole grains, tree nuts, seeds and legumes. And it's all delicious, by the way.

6. Say, “Well, I have have a friend who went vegan and had to go back because it made her sick.”

Truth? She probably wasn't eating healthy. You can be vegan an not be healthy, just like you can be an omnivore and not be healthy. No matter what diet you follow, you can screw it up!

5. Cite canine teeth and cavemen.

Human canines are not designed to rip flesh from live animals. That's what natural carnivores do. The human digestive tract is not designed for consuming animal products either. And if we continued to do everything the way our desperate and starving ancestors did, we would never have improved our quality of life. Evolving is necessary when circumstances change. If a caveman jumped off a bridge....etc. PS – Let's dispel another early man rumor. Carbs, not protein, built our brains.

4. Joke about eating animals.

Vegans have heard all your tasteless jokes. They don't consider them funny. They consider them insensitive and disrespectful to the animals that died to fill your plate and clog your arteries.

3. Talk about how you can't go vegan for health reasons.

There is literally no health issue in existence that is made better by an omnivorous diet. On the other hand, there are many individuals with chronic illnesses that have improved or have been cured with veganism.

2. Tell vegans the earth would be over-run by other animals and the natural balance would be destroyed if we all went vegan.

Actually, the omnivorous way of life is virtually destroying the planet due to the vast numbers of other animals that are being over-bred for food. If we all went vegan, it would gradually decrease the number of animals bred for food, servitude and other purposes, thus restoring the natural balance and doing away with our number one pollution threat, the animal agriculture industry.

Oh and those plants you're so worried about? An overwhelmingly higher number of plants are consumed indirectly by omnivores through other animals than are consumed by vegans. That issue would be null and void if we ate veggies in place of meat and dairy. More water is used to feed omnivores too!

1. Base your opinion of vegans on stereotypes:

Vegans are not all wasting away. Some of them are body builders and star athletes, while some of them are even a bit on the chubby side.

Vegans are not as pushy as they are made out to be. They will stand up for their beliefs, just like any other person who is committed to a cause they believe in. They're just trying to make people aware of some things they may not know and share their happiness at discovering that there is a way we can all live and do no harm. Listen or don't. Your choice.

Vegans are not ignorant They do not skirt the facts or believe only what they wish to. In fact, due to having to defend their way of life almost constantly, and also to insure that they are making the right choice, most vegans have done extensive research on all subjects related to veganism, diet, health and many other related subjects. When it comes to nutrition, many vegans have more study hours than a lot of doctors.

Vegans do not believe they are perfect, infallible or superior. Some of them even fall off the wagon from time to time.

Note: You're right that vegans can be a bit defensive at times, though. That's what happens when you're discriminated against and misunderstood by a large portion of the population, simply for trying to do the right thing and be as kind as possible. It gets to them sometimes. So, they lash out, then regret the fact that they weren't as compassionate as they could be afterwards. Vegans are human, after all. Who knew?

Friday, March 18, 2016

Top ten best reasons to avoid writing

What do you mean, there are no excuses? Actually, old school writer dude, I have 10.

10. Housework (No one can fault you for wanting to keep your house clean)
9. Walking the dog (Hey, you both need the exercise, right?)

7. Bills (They do have to be paid....)
6. Long phone conversations (It's not your fault your friend is a chatterbox, after all.)
5. Scheduling (Plans before action, right?)
4. Illness (Hey, you can't help it if you're sick. It's not like you asked for it.)

3. Leveling up (I just have to beat this one level and I'm done for good!)
2. Social networking (It is a part of your job.)
1. Writers block 
This is the ultimate writing excuse. 
No one can prove you wrong even if you're lying because it's all in your head.