Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Top Ten reasons I don't write about celebrities

Seriously? They're just human beings, you guys.
If you're expecting the usual witty, short and sweet top ten list here you may or may not be disappointed. There will be a certain amount of wittiness because I am somewhat of a witty person. There will, however be no undue overabundance of wittiness as this is a rant of sorts. So here we go then, the top ten reasons why I don't write about celebrities. With a tinge of witty embellishment for entertainment's sake. My entertainment, anyway. I'm not that witty. Remember, I told you that.
10 - Everyone else does it and I'm a rebel at heart.
I follow my own path, march to the beat of my own drummer and all that metaphorical stuff. I'm stubborn and narrow minded and I won't budge on anything I believe in. I'm proud of myself, my life, my children and grandchildren and everything I stand for. I know who I am and I don't need to justify that or play follow the leader with anyone. Besides, I'm an adult and it would look pretty silly if I ran around playing follow the leader all day, wouldn't it?

9 - I don't want to perpetuate the stupid and pointless American fascination with them.

My heroes are my Mom and Dad and all the other tangible people in my life that I care about and who care about me. Angelina Jolie doesn't give a rat's behind about me. I could care less what she does either. I don't know her. Now if I met her, got to know her as a person and then admired her, that would be different. Then I would feel justified in writing about her. That would be what we writers call first person experience rather than unwarranted hearsay, right?

8 - Their lives are of no interest to me.

I could care less what religion Tom Cruise is or how many kids the Duggars have now or how perverted any of them are. Geepers, don't people have enough problems of their own, without worrying about the rich and famous? I know I do. I don't have time to keep track of how many mistresses Tiger Woods has. I have a relationship of my own to nourish.

7 - I'm sick of bone thin crack addicts dictating the female body image.

Yes, I'm overweight. Even if I wasn't, this would bother me. How many kids out there are dying from anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders caused by the silly notion that we aren't sexy unless we're skinny? How many kids have taken their own lives because of poor body image? Maybe they couldn't afford designer clothes or fancy cars like their classmates. Maybe people picked on them because of it. Who personifies this crazy myth more than celebrities? It's completely unrealistic but people still buy into it.

6 - I come from a time when people were ashamed of gossip and indiscretions.

Have you noticed a change? I certainly have. Cheaters used to be a minority. Now you will hear people actually bragging about how many people they've slept with or describing intimate details of their sex lives that are nobody's business but their own. Well, guess what? If it looks like a pig and oinks like a pig, it's a pig. While I'm at it, could both sexes please stop talking about each other like a piece of meat hanging in a butcher shop? It's ugly and completely disrespectful and does nothing to help anyone's self image.

5 – Celebrities already have way more attention than they need.

f one of these people eats an egg salad sandwich for lunch everyone knows about it before the last bite goes down their throat. No wonder most of them are self centered snobs who think the world revolves around what they say and do. It does! If Jennifer Aniston shaved her head all except a lock in the front that looked like a unicorn horn and braided that lock and dyed it purple, I guarantee it would be the latest trend for several months or longer. I don't have to write about these people. It's already well covered.

4 - I'm sick of young people emulating celebrities.

To be sure, there are probably some celebrities who are worth emulating but for the most part, not so much. Plus there are so many different stories out there, who knows what the truth is any more? We don't know these people personally, so why would we want our kids learning life lessons from them? You wouldn't let a complete stranger babysit your children would you? Yet, that's exactly what you do when you allow them to be caught up in celebrity worship.

3 - They already have enough of my money.
I go to their movies. I buy their music. I do appreciate their talent. That's enough. Constantly writing about celebrities just brings them more and more money. It's free advertising and promotion for someone who can easily afford a publicist. I can't even afford to advertise my own business, why should I advertise theirs?

2 - I'm just not that into them.

My grandchildren are way cuter than their babies. My boyfriend is way hotter than Brad Pit in my humble opinion. My awesome youngest daughter is a fantastic yoga instructor! My son plays the guitar like nobody's business. My oldest daughter is a computer whiz and a great writer. My whole family are a bunch of certified geniuses as far as I'm concerned. I'm just not that into celebrities. My own friends and family are much more diverse and interesting to me.

1 - I'm not all sugar plums and rainbows.

My Mom always taught me if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Well, I guess I've pretty much blown that one! If I wrote about celebrities, I would have to tell it like it is, just like always. I'm not perfect either, but I'd be bashing and trashing these people like nobody's business and probably do nothing but make myself look bad in the end. Plus, chances are, most of them wouldn't deserve it. They could be perfectly nice people. We just don't know them, that's all.

So, there you go, that's why I don't write about celebrities. How about you?

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The top 5 Reasons to stop glamorizing war

Should we really be teaching our kids to play war from an early age?

Yes, those in the military put their lives on the line daily. That's to be respected for sure. Yes, they are doing what they feel is honorable. But is it? Why do we glamorize war? Is there really anything noble about it? Should we really be so quick to turn our kids into fighting machines? "Why not?" you say, "War is a reality they'll need to face some day, right?" Well, here's what I have to say about that.

1. Our kids/grand-kids are losing their lives for the wrong reasons. 

Of course, this would be first on my list. I do not mean to offend anyone here, but why on earth would you be sending your kids off to die for the type of things wars are about these days? If it's for the free college, you better hope they survive long enough to take advantage of it.

2. We are being brainwashed

Wars have nothing to do with patriotism. The wars of today are not about justice. They are about vengeance and superiority. Politicians are way too quick to decide it's OK for young people to risk their lives for all the wrong things. There's nothing noble about tricking innocent kids into dying for profit or revenge.

3. Violence is not the best solution.

Continually solving problems with war and violence teaches our kids nothing but that it's the best way to handle disputes. We have been at war with someone for as long as I can remember. I am 56. Isn't it about time we waged a little peace instead? Obviously, war isn't working very well.

4. Wars are a for profit endeavor.

The powers that be have it firmly ingrained in our heads that war is a noble pursuit. This keeps us busy while they stuff their pockets, steal the resources of other countries and basically take over the world, one region at a time.

5. Freedom has very little to do with it.

Wake up folks, we haven't fought for our freedom or anyone else's in a very long time. It's all a big spitting contest to see who gets the most stuff and rules over the most people. Nanny-nanny-boo-boo. It's like kindergarten all over again.

Final Thoughts

I'm not a hater. I respect the young men and women of the military. I appreciate their service. I'm just saying that it might be a good idea to tone down the glamorization of war. It should be thought of as a sometimes necessary evil, not a lifetime career move. And doesn't the fact that joining the military can be a highly profitable lifetime career tell us anything? Anything at all?


Friday, July 8, 2016

The top 5 reasons you should click on my stuff

There are millions of blogs online. Why should you click on one of mine?

1. I need the money.

Yup. Let's be honest here and blunt too. And OK, maybe a little selfish, but this is how I earn a paycheck. It's pay per click after all. Therefore, I consider it to be one of the top five reasons you should read my work. #1, in fact.

2. I am entertaining.

Not bragging here, but even if you only click on my stuff to laugh at me, you will very likely be highly entertained by my pointless banter. I know I am. Plus, it's not all pointless.

3. I know stuff and I'm sharing it for free!

I've never been one to think inside the box. In fact, I haven't even seen the box in years. I think my cat stole it. Anyway, I will teach you about things you had no idea even existed. Pay per click is free for you, so what have you got to lose?

4. I'm a little crazy.

Guilty as charged. But I'm OK with it. Being a tad bit crazy makes the things I write unique. In fact, I will absolutely make you think in ways the average person never has. Click away and be amazed at my absolute brilliance. Mmmm Hmmm Sure.

5. You never know what you'll get.

A warehouse of factual tidbits lies seething beneath the surface of my mind. Anything could set it off. Who know which synapse will snap and unload it's burden today? So why not click my stuff and watch the show?