Thursday, October 27, 2016

5 ways to simplify your vegan diet

A vegan diet is naturally simple.
The way most people talk, you'd think it was a super huge struggle to get everything you need, nutritionally and taste-wise, from a vegan diet. It's not. The hard part of a vegan diet is getting used to a whole new way of doing things. Still, even that isn't so hard once you have a little input from someone who's been there. So, how can you simplify your vegan diet?

1. Keep it raw or mostly raw.

A raw food diet is very simple to follow. It keeps the house cool in summer. It makes recipes almost entirely unnecessary. Just keep a wide variety of veggies, fruits, nuts and legumes on hand. Mix and match them, balancing your nutrients as you go. For instance, adding nuts or beans to a salad gives you protein. Sprinkling nutritional yeast on top gives you B-12. But what if you don't know your nutrients?

2. Do it by color.

You may have to study up a bit at first. But honestly, you should do that with any diet plan, even a conventional one. This trick makes it simpler. Each color of vegetable represents a different nutritional value. There are exceptions of course. Some things are higher in nutrition or contain special nutrients. If you're new to going vegan, familiarize yourself with these. For the most part, though, if your plate contains a wide variety of colors, it contains a wide variety of nutrients. Easy breezy!

3. Simmer some soup.

Beans or bean soup are served one or two times a week in many vegan households. In the soup, use a bean base for protein, then add assorted colorful veggies. Soup can be started in the morning and simmered all day. Eat it that night and refrigerate any leftovers. It's simple, nutritious and usually counts for at least two meals to reduce time in the kitchen.

4. Freeze ahead.

Speaking of leftovers, why not make them on purpose? Soup isn't the only cruelty free meal you can make ahead. Try making vegan chili, spaghetti sauce and other similar foods to freeze. That way, if you're sick or just plain don't feel like cooking, you can check the freezer and heat up a meal. It's like TV dinners, healthy vegan style.

5. Toss it in a blender/juicer.

Juicing and blending is the easiest thing in the world. It's also one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. You don't need a recipe to juice or blend. Just choose fruits and veggies you think would go well together and toss them in. You may get a few weird results as far as taste goes. Still, those are minimal. Let's face it, even if you mess up, it's still good for you. Plus, you'll get better as time goes by.