Thursday, April 28, 2016

Five reasons Twitter is less stressful for me than Facebook

As a writer, being active on social media and using Facebook in particular is a must for me. Still, I have a love/hate relationship with it because it can generate such negative emotions. Twitter is a whole different story. It's mostly lighthearted, plus, I don't have to talk to people all that much....

5. Twitter requires minimal interaction

Let's face it, some people just suck at socialization and I'm one of them. I'm not the most “normal” person on the planet and most of the time, people don't really “get” me even when they say they do. Not only that, but I don't “get” very many people because I just don't think the way they do. So, people stress me out in many ways and most often through no fault of their own. Twitter allows me to be social without socializing as much as I have/want to on Facebook. Know what I mean?

4. No one on Twitter gets insulted if I “un-follow” them.

In fact, they probably won't even notice. This leaves me free to follow only people with common beliefs and interests, if the others stress me out, without offending anyone. On the other hand, if I even hint that I need to “un-friend” someone on Facebook, there will be hell to pay, gossip to address and a whole ball of nasty wax to deal with.

3. Twitter has no true comment section.

So, no comment wars. No trolls. No harassment. No arguments. No misunderstandings. No hurt feelings. No people trying to prove their point with endless comebacks and biased quips. Unfortunately, Facebook has all of that stuff and then some. It can be a real mood killer. In fact, it can and has, ruined many days for me, aura wise.

2. I can take or leave Twitter anytime I want.

Facebook is so addicting. Once I go on there to check on my friends, I get stuck for hours, often doing the very things that tick me off when other people do them. So ironic. Plus, if I leave, I feel I have to explain why I'm not on there so much so people don't worry about me. Twitter is “In-Post-Out.” Easy breezy. No questions asked.

1. There are no rants on Twitter.

I know that I'm the rant champion, believe me. But still, the best thing about Twitter is that posts are brief, fast and to the point. No stress. Just the facts (or the funnies) Jack. And that goes for me and everyone else. I can be such an ass-hat on Facebook when I get riled up. Oh, yes, I know I'm part of the problem for sure. I'm 56, you guys. I know myself quite well at this point in time.

PS- And to prove my point about having to be on Facebook anyway, I'm betting that most of the people who read this will follow a link from Facebook. You did, right? (And by the way, thank-you for giving me a view. That's how I get paid. About ten million more on each page and I can retire. Bwa ha ha)

Plus, you guys, there are also just so many beautiful people who are my Facebook friends. I just couldn't bear to leave. Sigh.... It's a trap!

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